Apple filed a patent infringement claim against the sales of the Samsung Galaxy S III in the US, based on patents held over its Siri voice-controlled assistant. Samsung introduced a very similar piece of service in its newest flagship phone, called S Voice, making lawyers salivate over an eventual protracted lawsuit, which quickly materialized.
Samsung issued a statement today that it vehemently opposes the allegations and will fight to the death against the injunction. We kid, the statement is not that clichéd, but its spirit is the same.
Samsung plans to "demonstrate to the court that the Galaxy S III is innovative and distinctive", which it is to do before June 21, when the Galaxy S III is supposed to hit shelves on most major US carriers. This will give its sales a head start against Apple's next iPhone, whenever it launches this year, and if Cupertino succeeds with the preliminary ban, things can get ugly, considering how long these lawsuits take to be resolved.
source: Bloomberg
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