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Alleged iPhone 5 front panel sized up with the iPhone 4S on video

Written By bama on Wednesday, 6 June 2012 | 22:50

The eventual leaked front panel from the iPhone 5 that has been making the rounds in pictures and schematics in the last few days, has now been compared to the size of an iPhone 4S on video by the Japanese Apple-centric blog Makotakara, which is in possession of the part.

Alleged iPhone 5 front panel sized up with the iPhone 4S on video
Well, it's taller, and fitting a ~4" screen, as all rumors and engineering blueprints suggested, but not wider, which is good news for those who liked the iPhone for how one-hand-operation-friendly it is.

Besides the alleged changes in resolution and screen aspect ratio that this front panel will bring, it seems that the front-facing camera might be placed in the middle, like on the iPad, if this ends up being the real deal, and not just chucked prototype parts.

source: Makotakara

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