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Samsung sells over 50 million units of first two Galaxy S models, 7 million Samsung GALAXY Notes

Written By bama on Wednesday, 6 June 2012 | 22:48

According to numbers confirmed by Samsung, since its launch in June 2010, the Samsung Galaxy S handset has sold 24 million units. That is pretty good, but the Samsung Galaxy S II, considered the best Android smartphone produced to date,sold 28 million units in about half the time. That adds up to 52 million units sold of the first two Samsung Galaxy S handsets. The recently launched Samsung Galaxy S III already has over 9 million handsets pre-ordered, according to a Samsung Executive, making it the fastest selling gadgets of all the time.

It looks like Samsung also has another hit on its hands with the Samsung GALAXY Note phablet. The device with the 5.3 inch screen has sold 7 million units says the Korean manufacturer. The model was released in late October.

source: SammyHub

A pair of big sellers for Samsung, the Samsung GALAXY Note (L) and the Samsung Galaxy S II
A pair of big sellers for Samsung, the Samsung GALAXY Note (L) and the Samsung Galaxy S II
A pair of big sellers for Samsung, the Samsung GALAXY Note (L) and the Samsung Galaxy S II
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